Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can Teens Step Up In Hard Times

Mark Hansen, the author of Success 101 for Teens: 7 Habits and Traits for a Winning Life, will be kicking off his radio tour on March 4 at 1:00pm with Issues Today Radio Network. The Host is Bob Gourley and it is syndicated on 155 stations Nationally. The Topic is "Can Teens Step up in Hard Times". Feel free to tune in on 3/4 to hear more at: http://www.issuestodayradio.com/

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Internet Radio with Richard Flint

Richard Flint Hosts Internet Radio: World Talk Radio Studio A. On Thursday February 19th at 9:00am he will be discussing the topic: The School System and Children with Special Guest, Mark Hansen. Topics for discussion will be: Are young people really being given a quality education? And, Are they being prepared to pass a test or for life?

Join my guest, Mark Hansen, and Richard Flint as they talk about what the School System is really about today. Mark was the youngest person to ever be elected to the Palm Beach County School Board and ran into so many walls because of his desire to see education
improved. His insights are eye opening. Follow the below link to listen to the broadcast:


On the Radio - March 16th @ 8:40am

Mark Hansen the author of 'Success 101 for Teens' will be interviewed by radio station: WACK-AM1420 out of Rochester, NY on March 16, 2009 at 8:40am. Mark is appearing to discuss the topic: "Can Teens Step Up in Hard Times?" The radio show is hosted by Dr. Rus Jeffrey who has over a decade of radio experience interviewing, discussing and providing commentaries about social issues.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Author Attends - Orlando Conference April 24 - 26

Mark Hansen was invited to participate and will be attending the 'Extreme Business Makeovers Conference in Orlando, Florida from April 24-26. Key speakers at this event include: Dr. Tom Barrett , Bob Burg, Thom Scott and Libby Gill. Some of the topics of this event include:

- Leadership in Real Time
- G0-Give your way past today's challenges
- 5 Strategies for creating a winning brand
- Creating an entrepreneurial energy bus
- Overcoming the challenges of change
- Tapping into your unique motivational DNA

To find out more about the conference go to: http://www.extremebusinessmakeovers.com/

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why is the phrase: Life Is the Classroom used with Your Book?

It's important for everyone to realize that each experience is a new learning opportunity. While everyone thinks that their situation is unique 'Success 101 for Teens' allows you to read and understand various experiences; which were shared by other teens, parents, educators, etc. and allows the reader to place themselves into those experiences and learn from them. It lets everyone know that if they just get back to basics they do not have to be a back seat driver to life, but can be a front seat driver to their future. Life is the Classroom!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Interview with Author - Mark Hansen

Question #1:
How long have you been working on Success 101 for Teens?

My Team and I have been working on the book for over 4 years. It's been a great journey to have worked with so many brilliant people who want to make a difference.

Question #2:
Who is the real target for this book?

The target market for this Success 101 for Teens are the youth, educators and parents. The reason being is this book is a guide and is about shaping the future of todays youth.

Question #3:
Will you be doing a tour or speaking at any events?

Yes, for more information about upcoming events in your area please see our website: http://www.success101forteens.com/

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Success 101 For Teens - Heads to Printer

On February 1, 2009 Success 101 for Teens headed to the printer and is expected on the shelves of major retailers by March 2009. The first retail on-line book store to signup to sell this book was amazon.com. More to come shortly